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create my strategy

A budget can hold you, but a strategy defines you.




With taxes, inflation, politics and hyper-marketing corporations hungry for your dollars, not having a strategy is a mistake. Don't allow the money goal-post to move on you unprepared.

Session Length: 

No rush. As long as you need.

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top 10 reasons budgets fail

  1. Lack of Realistic Planning: They don't accurately reflect income and expenses, leading to unrealistic expectations

  2. Ignoring Variable Expenses: Failing to account for irregular or unexpected costs can quickly derail a budget (i.e local taxes, federal taxes, new laws, inflation and utility usage fluctuations)

  3. No Room for Flexibility: Overly rigid budgets can't accommodate changes in income or expenses

  4. Failure to Track Spending: Without diligent tracking, it's hard to stay within budgeted limits.

  5. Underestimating Expenses: Forgetting to include all costs leads to overspending

  6. No Clear Goals: A budget without specific goals lacks motivation and direction

  7. Emotional Spending: Emotional decisions can lead to overspending, regardless of budget constraints

  8. Ignoring Debt: Neglecting to prioritize debt repayment can hinder overall financial progress

  9. Unexpected Life Events: Major life changes like job loss or illness can disrupt even the best-planned budgets

  10. Lack of Accountability: Without regular review and accountability, it's easy to stray from budgeted plans.


According to a survey conducted by Intuit in 2020:


" least 1,500 people found that more than 60% didn’t know how much money they spent the previous month. If you’ve tried making a budget and you’re unable to adhere to it, it might not be your fault. Select spoke to a policy expert and a personal finance expert about why so many people fail at budgeting and what they can do instead."


According to a study conducted by JP Morgan Chase in 2019:


".....families needed just six weeks of expenses in order to sustain themselves if their expenses increased (such as an unexpected car repair) and their income decreased (such as unemployment) temporarily. 65% of families, however, did not have enough money to cover six weeks worth of expenses. So if budgeting works when people plan ahead and save for hard times, why does it still fall short for so many?"


who this is for?

Every personal or family circumstance is unique. You could be one, or many, of the traits listed below. Either way, we are here to help maximize your data potential.







Place in Life


Need Organization

Want More

Making Improvements

Feelings About








what to expect

You should walk away from a session confident and clear about your money data. We help define where you stand so that you may understand where you are going.

Gain Personal Insight

Consolidate and Organize

Improve Your Money Trajectory

what people say

I highly recommend Overcome Money LLC. Garrick help me see where I was at on my financial situation. If you don't know where you are at with your financial situation then go talk to Garrick and he will help you out. He is a very knowledgeable and great guy also he has great information.



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We offer financial opinions based on data voluntarily provided by you. Financial opinions expressed during a session or meeting herein are solely for informational and educational purposes and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Any investment decisions made as a result from a session or meeting are based on your personal independent opinions and are made at your own risk. Investing in financial markets involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Before making any investment decisions, it is recommended to consult with a securities licensed financial professional or conduct thorough research on your own. We disclaim any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of opinion-based information provided. Our opinions may not be suitable for all individuals or circumstances. You are encouraged to independently verify any information before acting upon it. Experts that assist you may receive compensation or commissions from companies, affiliate, sponsorship or partnership arrangements. Use of financial products or services related to your session or circumstance are determined and independently chosen by you. We do not incentivize, encourage nor condone the sale of such products and services that are not suitable or otherwise explicitly authorized by a client or corresponding individuals.

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