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retirement discussion

Concerned or afraid to retire or stay retired?




Retirement can mean many things, but complicated does NOT have to be one of them. Even if you are already there, simplify your numbers and clearly define what peace means.

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top 10 fears & concerns

  1. Regret or Second-Guessing: Some people fear regretting their decision to retire, especially if they find themselves missing the structure and stimulation of work.

  2. Financial Insecurity: having enough to maintain your lifestyle and cover unexpected expenses

  3. Loss of Purpose: Many people gain a sense of purpose and identity from their work. Retirement can lead to feelings of boredom, loneliness, or a lack of direction.

  4. Healthcare Costs: The rising costs of healthcare can be a significant source of anxiety

  5. Social Connections: Work often provides a social network and regular interactions with colleagues

  6. Fear of Decline: Losing mental acuity or physical health after retiring. Being active at work kept you sharper and healthier.

  7. Change in Routine: Retirement requires adjusting to a new daily routine

  8. Identity and Status: Work can be tied to a person's identity and status in society. Retiring may lead to a loss of status 

  9. Boredom and Lack of Stimulation: Without work-related challenges and activities, retirees may fear they'll become bored or intellectually unstimulated.

  10. Uncertainty About the Future: Retirement often brings uncertainty about how long retirement funds will last, what activities will fill the day, and what unexpected events might occur.


According to a survey conducted by the National Institute on Retirement Security and Greenwald Research:


"When asked if the nation faces a retirement crisis, 79 percent of Americans agree there indeed is a retirement crisis, up from 67 percent in 2020. More than half of Americans (55 percent) are concerned that they cannot achieve financial security in retirement.  Regarding Social Security, nearly all Americans (87 percent) agree Congress should act now to shore up funding rather than waiting ten years to enact a solution. Ninety percent say it should be a priority for the next president and Congress to tackle Social Security’s funding shortfall."


who this is for?

Every personal or family circumstance is unique. You could be one, or many, of the traits listed below. Either way, we are here to help maximize your data potential.







Place in Life


Need Organization

Want More

Making Improvements

Feelings About









what to expect

You should walk away from a session confident and clear about your money data. We help define where you stand so that you may understand where you are going.

Gain Personal Insight

Consolidate and Organize

Improve Your Money Trajectory

what people say

I highly recommend Overcome Money LLC. Garrick help me see where I was at on my financial situation. If you don't know where you are at with your financial situation then go talk to Garrick and he will help you out. He is a very knowledgeable and great guy also he has great information.



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